TGIF - 30 June 2017

Greetings from your Friday guy on this last Friday of the first half of the year 2017! It’s hard to believe that half of the year is already come and gone. Hope you can enjoy the second half of this year!

I have learned this week that the 50th anniversary of the ATM is this week. Do you know what ATM stands for? I bet you don’t! I can think of the girl who wondered why her father had no money asked him why he just didn’t go to the ATM and take out some money. ATM stands for Automated Teller Machine and it was created 50 years ago this week.

Another milestone this week is that the first iPhone was produced 10 years ago this week.

Can we live without smart phones?

I am looking forward to the Fourth of July weekend. Our golf club is hosting a Fireworks special on Saturday, the second. It was great last year and hope that the weather cooperates this year to have another great year.

Let’s see what I have to offer this week.

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Have you heard the one about how World War I got started because of a young man’s appetite for an early lunch? On the 103rd anniversary of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife, a shooting that set off the most terrible war in human history, we point you back to Mike Dash’s superb debunking of a persistent historical myth. Smithsonian: “Yet it might never have happened–we’re now told– had Gavrilo Princip not got hungry for a sandwich. … It’s an account that, while respectful of the significance of Franz Ferdinand’s death, hooks pupils’ attention by stressing a tiny, awe-inspiring detail: that if Princip had not stopped to eat a sandwich where he did, he would never have been in the right place to spot his target. No sandwich, no shooting. No shooting, no war. … And by portraying the assassination of Franz Ferdinand as a piece of outrageous coincidence, the story of Gavrilo Princip’s sandwich makes it seem far less important to think deeply about the killer and his companions, and about their motives and determination.”

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What’s For Lunch?
An Irishman, a Mexican and a Blond Guy were doing construction work on scaffolding on the 20th floor of a building.   

They were eating lunch and the Irishman said, 'Corned beef and cabbage! If I get corned beef and cabbage one more time for lunch, I'm going to jump off this building.'

The Mexican opened his lunch box and exclaimed, 'Burritos again! If I get burritos one more time I'm going to jump off, too.' 

The blond guy opened his lunch and said, 'Bologna again! If I get a bologna sandwich one more time, I'm jumping too.' 

The next day, the Irishman opened his lunch box, saw corned beef and cabbage, and jumped to his death.   

The Mexican opened his lunch, saw a burrito, and jumped too.

The blond guy opened his lunch, saw the bologna and jumped to his death as well.   

At the funeral, the Irishman's wife was weeping. She said, 'If I'd known how really tired he was of corned beef and cabbage, I never would have given it to him again!'

The Mexican's wife also wept and said, 'I could have given him tacos or enchiladas! I didn't realize he hated burritos so much.'   

Everyone turned and stared  at the blond guy's wife. The blond guy's wife said, 

'Don't look at me. He makes his own lunch!'

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A Complicated Benefits Question in California

Dear Sir,

I have a very complicated benefits question. 

Many years ago, I married a widow out of love who had an 18-year old daughter. 

After the wedding, my father, a widower, came to visit a number of times, and he fell in love with my step-daughter. 

My father eventually married her without my authorization. 

As a result my step-daughter became my step mother and my father became my son in law. 

My father's wife (also my step daughter) and my step-mother, gave birth to a son who is my grandchild because I am the husband of my step daughter's mother. 

This boy is also my brother, as the son of my father. 

As you can see, my wife became a grandmother, because she is the mother of my father's wife. 

Therefore it appears that I am also my wife's grandchild.

A short time after these events, my wife gave birth to a son, who became my father's brother-in-law, the step-son of my father's wife, and my uncle. 

My son is also my step mother’s brother, and through my step-mother, my wife has become a grandmother and I have become my own grandfather. 

In light of the above mentioned, I would like to know the following:

Does my son, who is also my uncle, my father's son-in-law and my step mother's brother fulfil the requirements for receiving childcare benefits? 

Sincerely yours, 

Mohammed Mohammed


Of course you qualify Mohammed! I have arranged to start mailing the checks to all of you just as soon as you arrive here in California.

Yours faithfully,

Jerry Brown

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Trying to persuade a Right Wing Nut Job is like trying to play chess with a pigeon.  No matter how good you are, they’ll knock over half the pieces, crap on the board and strut around like they won.

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AMA & Health Care

The American Medical Association has weighed in on Trump's proposed health care package to replace Obama-care:

The Allergists were in favor of scratching it, but the Dermatologists advised not to make any rash moves.

The Gastroenterologists had sort of a gut feeling about it, but the Neurologists thought the Administration had a lot of nerve.

Meanwhile, Obstetricians felt certain everyone was laboring under a misconception, while the Ophthalmologists considered the idea short sighted.

Pathologists yelled, "Over my dead body!" while the Pediatricians said, "Oh, grow up!"

The Psychiatrists thought the whole idea was madness, while the Radiologists could see right through it.

Surgeons decided to wash their hands of the whole thing and the Internists claimed it would indeed be a bitter pill to swallow.

The Plastic Surgeons opined that this proposal would "put a whole new face on the matter."

The Podiatrists thought it was a step forward, but the Urologists were pissed off at the whole idea.

Anesthesiologists thought the whole idea was a gas, and those lofty Cardiologists didn't have the heart to say no.

In the end, the Proctologists won out, leaving the entire decision up to the ass holes in Washington.

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Okay. It’s time for a few TGIF Golden Classic jokes

Peeing on the Flowers

A little old lady was walking down the street dragging two large plastic garbage bags behind her. One of the bags was ripped and every once in a while a $20 fell out onto the sidewalk.

Noticing this, a policeman stopped her, and said, "Ma'am, there are$20 bills falling out of that bag."

Oh, really? Darn it!" said the little old lady. "I'd better go back and see if I can find them. Thanks for telling me, officer.

"Well, now, not so fast," said the cop. Where did you get all thatmoney? You didn't steal it, did you?"

Oh, no, no", said the old lady. "You see, my back yard is right next to a Golf course. A lot of Golfers come and pee through a knot hole in my fence, right into my flower garden. It used to really tick me off. Kills the flowers, you know Then I thought, why not make the best of it?""So, now, I stand behind the fence by the knot hole, real quiet, withmy hedge clippers. Every time some guy sticks his thing through my fence, I surprise him, grab hold of it and say, O.K., Buddy! Give me$20, or off it comes." "Well, that seems only fair," said the cop, laughing.OK. Good luck!"Oh, by the way, what's in the other bag?" “Not everybody pays."

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Important Beliefs

A priest and a rabbi were sitting next to each other on an airplane.
After a while, the priest turned to the rabbi and asked: "Is it still a requirement of your faith that you not eat pork?”
The rabbi responded: "Yes, that is still one of our beliefs.”
The priest then asked: "Have you ever eaten pork?”
To which the rabbi replied: “Yes, on one occasion I did succumb to temptation and tasted a ham sandwich.”
The priest nodded in understanding and went on with his reading.
A while later, the rabbi spoke up and asked the priest: "Father, is it still a requirement of your church that you remain celibate?”
The priest replied: "Yes, that is still very much a part of our faith.”                              
The rabbi then asked him: "Father, have you ever fallen to the temptations of the flesh?”
The priest replied: "Yes, rabbi, on one occasion I was weak and broke with my faith.”
The rabbi nodded understandingly and remained silently thinking for about five minutes.
Finally, the rabbi said: "Beats a ham sandwich, doesn't it?"
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Just time enough to wish you all a fantastic Friday and a wonderful weekend!