TGIF - 18 December 2015

Greetings from your Friday guy just a week before Christmas Day. I wish you all happy holidays, regardless of your religion! It’s that time of year in the Northern Hemisphere where the shortest day of the year is approaching, the Winter Solstice, and then we celebrate the fact that the days will start to get longer, after this depressing period where the days are shorter and the nights very long.

That looks all very confusing, but you know what I mean. While the Solstice is nearing, we are experiencing the warmest Fall on record, likely due to the Climate Change that has been occurring for the last several decades. It’s long overdue, but the Paris Climate Conference results are encouraging, although long overdue!

I am looking forward to the family gatherings for this Christmas. I wish you all a very happy holiday, end of year celebrations, regardless of your specific religious beliefs!

We will then have to contemplate how we want to make new resolutions for the New Year to improve our lives! Good luck and wish me luck!

I’m not getting a lot of material that hasn’t been used before, so I may be obliged to repeat some old stuff. But my senior friends keep reminding me that our memories are not what they used to be and most of us will not realize that we have seen this or that one before.

Okay. Let’s jump into what I have to share today.


The Canadian Revenue Agency actually commented on this one.

Something to ponder ... but, worth a broad smile!

Amazing, but true, if you think about it! The importance of accuracy in your tax return.

The CRAhas returned the Tax Return to a man in Canada after he apparently answered one of the questions.

In response to the question, .. "Do you have anyone dependant on you?

The man wrote: ... "2.1 million Illegal immigrants, 1.1 million crack heads, 4.4 million unemployable scroungers, 80,000 criminals in over 85 prisons plus 450 idiots in Parliament and an entire group that call themselves Politicians'

The CRAstated that the response he gave was unacceptable.

The man's response back to CRA was, ... "Who did I leave out ?"

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Here is this week’s Intelligence Test:

10 Fun Facts

1. You can’t wash your eyes with soap.
2. You can’t count your hair.
3. You can’t breathe through your nose, with your tongue out.
4. You just tried no. 3.
6. When you did no. 3 you realized it’s possible, only you look like a dog.
7. You’re smiling right now, because you were fooled.
8. You skipped no.5.
9. You just checked to see if there is a no. 5.
10. Share this with your friends to have some fun too!

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I am a Seenager. (Senior teenager)

I have everything that I wanted as a teenager, only 60 years later.
I don’t have to go to school or work.
I get an allowance every month.
I have my own pad.
I don’t have a curfew.
I have a driver’s licence and my own car.
I have ID that gets me into bars
The people I hang around with are not scared of getting pregnant.
And I don’t have acne.
Life is great!

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 Subject: The proper way to call someone a BASTARD!

A guy was getting ready to tee off on the first hole when a second golfer approached and asked if he could join him. The first said that he usually played alone, but agreed to the twosome.

They were even after the first few holes. The second guy said, "We're about evenly matched, how about playing for five bucks a hole?" The first guy said that he wasn't much for betting, but agreed to the terms. The second guy won the remaining sixteen holes with ease.

As they were walking off number eighteen, the second guy was busy counting his $80.00. He confessed that he was the pro at a neighboring course and liked to pick on suckers. The first fellow revealed that he was the Parish Priest. The pro was flustered and apologetic, offering to return the money.

The Priest said, "You won fair and square and I was foolish to bet with you. You keep your winnings." The pro said, "Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?" The Priest said, "Well, you could come to Mass on Sunday and make a donation. And, if you want to bring your Mother and Father along, I'll marry them.

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My wife and I had a huge row last night.

She called me gullible and financially irresponsible.

I can't wait to see her face when I tell her that I have just won the Nigerian lottery!

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Although we are a week away from Christmas Day, I have recently gotten a lot of golf jokes. Maybe these golfers are nostalgic for getting out on the links. I must say that they are still playing golf at my course here and I never remember it being opened in December before this year!

Unannounced Guest for dinner

This guy brings his best golf mate home, unannounced, for dinner at 6:30, after golf. His wife screams her head off while his friend sits open mouthed and listens to the tirade.

"My bloody hair & makeup are not done, the house is a f****** mess, the dishes aren't done. Can't you see I'm still in my f****** pajamas and I can't be bothered with cooking tonight! Why the f*** did you bring him home unannounced, you stupid idiot?"

 “Because he’s thinking of getting married..."unquote,

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A prominent educator and patron of the arts, Henry Cole travelled in the elite, social circles of early Victorian England, and had the misfortune of having too many friends. During the holiday season of 1843, those friends were causing Cole much anxiety …As [Cole] watched the stacks of unanswered correspondence he fretted over what to do… He approached an artist friend, J.C. Horsley, and asked him to design an…illustration—a triptych showing a family at table celebrating the holiday flanked by images of people helping the poor—and had a thousand copies made by a London printer. The image was printed on a piece of stiff cardboard 5 1/8 x 3 1/4 inches in size. At the top of each was the salutation, ‘TO:_____’ allowing Cole to personalize his responses, which included the generic greeting ‘A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year To You.’ It was the first Christmas card.

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Laugh a little ladies ...This is funny because only women understand this! 

She said: “If my body was a car, I would be trading it in for a newer model.  I've got bumps, dents, scratches & my headlights are out of focus.  My gearbox is seizing up & it takes me hours to reach maximum speed.  I overheat for no reason and every time I sneeze, cough or laugh either my radiator leaks or my exhaust backfires!”

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Christmas vs. Chanukah

1. Christmas is one day, same day every year: December 25. Jews also love December 25th. It's another paid day off work. We go to movies and out for Chinese food, and Israeli dancing. Chanukah is 8 days. It starts the evening of the 24th of Kislev, whenever that falls. No one is ever sure. Jews never know until a non-Jewish friend asks when Chanukah starts, forcing us to consult a calendar so we don't look like idiots. We all have the same calendar, provided free with a donation from either the kosher butcher, or the local Jewish funeral home.

2. Christmas is a major holiday. Chanukah is a minor holiday with the same theme as most Jewish holidays. They tried to kill us, we survived, let's eat.

3. Christians get wonderful presents such as jewelry, perfume, stereos... Jews get practical presents such as underwear, socks, or the collected works of Rambam, which looks impressive on the bookshelf.

4. There is only one way to spell Christmas. No one can decide how to spell Chanukah, Chanukah, Chanukka, Chanukah, Hanukah, Hannukah.

5. Christmas is a time of great pressure for husbands and boyfriends. Their partners expect special gifts. Jewish men are relieved of that burden. No one expects a diamond ring on Chanukah.

6. Christmas brings enormous electric bills. Candles are used for Chanukah. Not only are we spared enormous electric bills, but we get to feel good about not contributing to the energy crisis.

7. Christmas carols are beautiful. Silent Night, Come All Ye Faithful.... Chanukah songs are about dreidels made from clay or having a party and dancing the horah. Of course, we are secretly pleased that many of the beautiful carols were composed and written by our tribal brethren. And don't Barbara Streisand and Neil Diamond sing them beautifully?

8. A home preparing for Christmas smells wonderful. The sweet smell of cookies and cakes baking. Happy people are gathered around in festive moods. A home preparing for Chanukah smells of oil, potatoes, and onions. The home, as always, is full of loud people all talking at once.

9. Women have fun baking Christmas cookies. Women burn their eyes and cut their hands grating potatoes and onions for latkas on Chanukah. Another reminder of our suffering through the ages.

10. Parents deliver to their children during Christmas. Jewish parents have no qualms about withholding a gift on any of the eight nights.

11. The players in the Christmas story have easy to pronounce names such as Mary, Joseph, and Jesus. The players in the Chanukah story are Antiochus, Judah Maccabee, and Matta whatever. No one can spell it or pronounce it. On the plus side, we can tell our friends anything and they believe we are wonderfully versed in our history.

12. Many Christians believe in the virgin birth. Jews think, "Joseph, Bubela, snap out of it. Your woman is pregnant, you didn't sleep with her, and now you want to blame G-d. Here's the number of my shrink".

13. In recent years, Christmas has become more and more commercialized. The same holds true for Chanukah, even though it is a minor holiday. It makes sense. How could we market a major holiday such as Yom Kippur? Forget about celebrating. Think observing. Come to synagogue, starve yourself for 26 hours, become one with your dehydrated soul, beat your chest, confess your sins, a guaranteed good time for you and your family. Tickets a mere $200 per person. Better stick with Chanukah! 

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So, now it is time to wich you all happy end of year holidays and a very happy and healthy new year 2016!


TGIF - 11 December 2015

Greetings from your Friday guy here in Vermont, where we’ve had very warm, unseasonal temperatures for the last few weeks and it seems to be continuing into next week. It got up to 50 here today and seems it will continue like this for the short-term future. I was still out raking a few leaves that I had not properly disposed of this afternoon. Of course, I draft this on Thursday evenings here so that I can send it out even before Friday hits here, so that my Asian friends can actually receive it on Friday. What would a Friday TGIF message be if it arrives on Saturday?!

I don’t mind the lack of snow yet, although I hope we get some before Christmas. It can only really be Christmas if there is snow on the ground! That’s why I had a hard time in the tropics at Christmastime. Just not the same! I guess I could say the same thing for living in Florida. Not the same! Christmas music in the malls – wherever – just doesn’t make up for a real Christmas spirit in the cold and wintry climate. I love the Christmas lights up all over as we struggle with these long, dark days, before the Winter Solstice.

I really enjoyed hearing from so many of you in response to last week’s message. That is one of the nice by-products of this hobby. I get to hear from many of you – old friends or former colleagues or family. It makes this little task of editing a Friday messad so worthwhile!

Okay. I’ve got a few things to share with you today.

The following contribution was sent in by a British friend. That might have an impact on your knowledge of the names.

Which of the following names are you familiar with?

1. Monica Lewinski
2. Tony Blair
3. Robert Mugabe
4. Jeremy Corbyn
5. Jorge Bergoglio
6. Winnie Mandela
7. Vladimir Putin
8. Linda Lovelace
9. Sepp Blatter

You had trouble with No. 5?

Scroll down……

Waiting …

Waiting …

Waiting …

Typical..You know about the criminals, murderers, thieves, sluts, liars and cheats, but you don’t know the Pope?

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Another contribution from a Britsh friend, with a few Welsh jokes:

An American came to the UK to retrace his roots, in the green Welsh valleys.  He had arranged for Dai, the local taxi driver from the Rhondda to meet him at Heathrow and drive him "home" to Treorchy.  

As they crossed the Severn Bridge, Brad, the American asked Dai, "What's this?"  Dai replied with some pride, "This is the Severn Bridge, It took 5 years to build it!"  "Well hell", says Brad "I got a bridge twice this size on my ranch and we built in in less than 2 years".  Dai felt disappointed.  

As they were driving past Cardiff Castle, Brad asked "What's this Dai?"  To which Dai replied with pride, "This is Cardiff Castle - it took over 100yrs to build it and it's massive".  Brad puffed and said "Well hell, my house is bigger than this and we built it in a year".  Dai was even more disappointed.  

A little further on and they were passing the Millennium Stadium - home of Welsh rugby - Brad turns to Dai and asks "So what's this Dai?".  Dai scratched his head and said, "Well I dunno, it wasn't there when I passed here this morning".

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Dai and Bryn were waiting for a bus opposite Greggs (a Mecca for pies and other heartattack food).  Dai says to Bryn, "Do you want to see some magic Bryn?"  "Aye, go on then", say Bryn. So Dai and Bryn walk into Greggs and Dai grabs 2 pies and slips them under his jacket and they both walk out.  "What do you think of that then Bryn?" says Dai, "Slight of hand, no one saw that".  

"That's thieving Dai and anyway, that wasn't very impressive. I could do better than that". So they walk into Greggs and Bryn says to the guy behind the counter, "I'd like to show you some special magic, is that OK?"  "Aye, go on then", said the guy behind the counter.  Bryn says "Give me a pie please."  The guy gave him a pie and Bryn ate it in two bites and asked for another. The guy gave him another pie and Bryn ate it again, in 2 bites. "Hey!" says the guy behind the counter "That's thieving, not magic!". "That's where you are wrong" says Bryn.  "Look in Dai's pocket..."

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Wisconsin Wedding

At a recent Wisconsin wedding reception the D.J. yelled:

"Would all married men please stand next to the one person who has made your life worth living."

The bartender was almost crushed to death, but is expected to survive

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Russians gathered on Saturday in the city of St Petersburg for a chocolate fair with one rather special guest. Russian President Vladimir Putin was in attendance, except this Putin was made of chocolate. A St. Petersburg sculptor, Nikita Gusev, was commissioned to fashion the life-size sculpture for the Chocolate Fair. ... Organisers said the Putin sculpture was to be the main attraction at the fair but warned there would be no touching, licking or biting allowed. … One of those in attendance, St. Petersburg resident Yelena, found it all rather amusing. “Unfortunately in real life there are many people who want to lick him and even more [when he is] in chocolate form. You understand what I am talking about. We have a lot of people who like to lick the authorities.”

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Aussie Helpline

Australian Telephone Helpline Operator: "G'day mate .. Helpline here ... What's the problem?"

Customer: "I'm in the Outback with the girlfriend and she's been stung on her thigh by a hornet and now her vagina has completely closed up!"

Australian Telephone Helpline Operator: "Bummer!"

Customer: "Great advice! Thanks mate, bye.”

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Eight Words with two meanings

1. THINGY (thing-ee) n. 
Female...... Any part under a car's hood.
Male..... The strap fastener on a woman's bra.

2. VULNERABLE (vul-ne-ra-bel) adj. 
Female.... Fully opening up one's self emotionally to another. 
Male..... Playing football without a cup.

3. COMMUNICATION (ko-myoo-ni-kay-shon) n. 
Female... The open sharing of thoughts and feelings with one's partner.
Male... Leaving a note before taking off on a fishing trip with the boys.

4. COMMITMENT (ko- mit-ment) n.
Female..... A desire to get married and raise a family. 
Male...... Trying not to hit on other women while out with this one.

5. ENTERTAINMENT (en-ter-tayn-ment) n. 
Female.... A good movie, concert, play or book.
Male...... Anything that can be done while drinking beer.

6. FLATULENCE (flach-u-lens) n. 
Female.... An embarrassing by-product of indigestion. 
Male...... A source of entertainment, self-expression, male bonding.

7 MAKING LOVE (may-king luv) n.
Female...... The greatest expression of intimacy a couple can achieve. 
Male..... Call it whatever you want, just as long as we do it.

8. REMOTE CONTROL (ri-moht kon-trohl) n. 
Female.... A device for changing from one TV channel to another.
Male... A device for scanning through all 375 channels every 5 minutes.

He said.... I don't know why you wear a bra; you've got nothing to put in it. 
She said.... You wear pants don't you?

He said..... Shall we try swapping positions tonight? 
She said... That's a good idea - you stand by the ironing board while I sit on the sofa and fart! 

He said..... What have you been doing with all the grocery money I gave you?
She said ....Turn sideways and look in the mirror! 

He said..... Why are married women heavier than single women?
She said..... Single women come home, see what's in the fridge and go to bed. Married women come home, see what's in bed and go to the fridge.

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Dear Abby,

My husband hasn't worked for the last 14 years. All he does is get dressed in the morning and hop in his fancy car to visit his cronies. I know he`s cheated on me many times with young girls who could be his granddaughters. I know because he brags about this to me. He smokes fancy cigars and drinks the most expensive Champagne day and night. We sleep in separate beds because he`s always telling me he knows I`m a lesbian and my varicose veins and hairy back turn him off.

Should I clobber him with my frying pan, or should I leave him, Abby?

Your advice would be appreciated

....Mad as Hell

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Dear Mad as Hell, You don`t have to take that kind of treatment from any man.  I suggest you pack your bags and move out a.s.a.p.!  Don`t resort to clobbering him with the frying pan , and try to act like a lady! Remember ....... you`re running for President of the United States , so try acting like one!


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Be sure and cancel our credit cards before we die! This is so priceless, and so easy to see happening, customer service being what it is today.

A lady died this past January, and Citibank billed her for February and March for their annual service charges on her credit card and added late fees and interest on the monthly charge.

The balance had been $0.00 when she died, but now somewhere around $60.00. A family member placed a call to Citibank
Here is the exchange :

Family Member: 'I am calling to tell you she died back in January.

Citibank : 'The account was never closed and the late fees and charges still apply.'

Family Member : 'Maybe you should turn it over to collections.'

Citibank : 'Since it is two months past due, it already has been.'

Family Member : So, what will they do when they find out she is dead?'

Citibank : 'Either report her account to frauds division or report her to the credit bureau, maybe both!'

Family Member : 'Do you think God will be mad at her? '

Citibank: 'Excuse me?'

Family Member: 'Did you just get what I was telling you - - the part about her being dead?'

Citibank : 'Sir, you'll have to speak to my supervisor.'
Supervisor gets on the phone: 

Family Member: 'I'm calling to tell you, she died back in January with a $0 balance.'

Citibank : 'The account was never closed and late fees and charges still apply.'

Family Member: 'You mean you want to collect from her estate?'

Citibank : (Stammer) 'Are you her lawyer?'

Family Member: 'No, I'm her great nephew.' (Lawyer info was given) 

Citibank: 'Could you fax us a certificate of death?'

Family Member: 'Sure.' (Fax number was given)

After they get the fax:

Citibank: 'Our system just isn't setup for death. I don't know what more I can do to help.'

Family Member: 'Well, if you figure it out, great! If not, you could just keep billing her. She won't care.'

Citibank: 'Well, the late fees and charges will still apply.'

(What is wrong with these people?!?) 

Family Member: 'Would you like her new billing address?'

Citibank : 'That might help....'

Family Member: ' Odessa Memorial Cemetery, Highway 129, Plot Number 69GR.'

Citibank : 'Sir, that's a cemetery!'

Family Member: 'And what do you do with dead people on your planet??'


And you wondered why Citibank needed help from the Feds?

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That’s it for today! I wish I had better stuff to share with you! But, you know, garbage in – garbage out! That’s become my TGIF motto! I take NO responsibility!

Time to wish you all a fantastic Friday and a wonderful weekend!


TGIF - 04 December 2015

Greetings on this last day of the work week. Yay! It’s Friday. And it’s not just any ordinary Friday; it’s Friday December 4th! Which is the birth date of my youngest son, Philip! (Born in The Philippines and graduated from high school in Sri Lanka! A real Asian!) And he is going to celebrate this one in Thailand, where he and his girlfriend Kailey are teaching English for a semester at a school about 80 miles north of Bangkok. I think he is especially happy because the King of Thailand’s birthday is on December 5th and there are some holidays (days off work) around that! I hope that the King is in good health! He is so revered there by all the people and is an incredible human being! So, I wish both my Prince Philip and the Thai King a very happy birthday celebration!

Meanwhile, the news in the rest of the world has not been very good since my last issue of the TGIF. There were the horrible terrorist attacks on innocent civilians in Paris. Then in Bamako Mali, where I spent 5 years of my younger years, and feel so attached and yet so sad about these developments there. And gun violence continues unabated here in the USA. Racial tensions increasing in Chicago and Baltimore due to acts committed by police. The “West’s” efforts to target ISIS in Iraq and Syria. The influx of Syrian refugees in Europe and the reluctance (especially since Paris) to accept Syrian refugees fleeing violence in their homeland in European or American territories. And now there is the much anticipated Climate summit in Paris this week. I truly hope that some progress is made there on that front. We are killing our planet.

So, all this grim news gives us pause. But that means it is time to push the PAUSE button on the world (“Stop the World! I want to get off!”) and try to keep our sanity by sharing/reading/hearing a few jokes. It’s medicinal!

The greatest scientists of all times were invited to a reunion ...

 * Newton said he'd drop in.

 * Socrates said he'd think about it.

 * Ohm resisted the idea.

 * Boyle said he was under too much pressure.

 * Darwin said he'd wait to see what evolved.

 * Pierre and Marie Curie radiated enthusiasm.

 * Volta was electrified at the prospect.

 * Pavlov positively drooled at the thought.

 * Ampere was worried he wasn't current enough though alternately none were.

 * Audubon said he'd have to wing it.

 * Edison thought it would be illuminating.

 * Einstein said it would be relatively easy to attend.

 * Archimedes was buoyant at the thought.

 * Dr Jekyll declined - he said he hadn't been feeling himself lately.

 * Morse said, "I'll be there on the dot. Can't stop now, must dash."

 * Gauss was asked to attend because of his magnetism.

 * Hertz said he planned to attend with greater frequency in the future.

 * Watt thought it would be a good way to let off steam.

 * Wilbur Wright accepted, provided he and Orville could get a flight.

 * And Dr. Sigmund Freud couldn't help but give it the slip!

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Another Reunion

Rachel, Clare and Samantha haven't seen each other since high school.  They rediscover each other via a reunion website and arrange to meet for lunch in a wine bar.

Rachel arrives first, wearing beige Versace.  She orders a bottle of Pinot Grigio.  

Clare arrives shortly afterward, in gray Chanel.  After the required ritualized kisses she joins Rachel in a glass of wine.

Then Samantha walks in, wearing a faded old tee-shirt, blue jeans and boots.  She too shares the wine.

Rachel explains that after leaving high school and graduating from Princeton in Classics, she met and married Timothy, with whom she has a beautiful daughter. Timothy is a partner in one of New York 's leading law firms. They live in a 4000 sq ft co-op on Fifth Avenue where Susanna, the daughter, attends drama school.  They have a second home in Phoenix.

Clare relates that she graduated from Harvard Med School and became a surgeon. Her husband, Clive, is a leading Wall Street investment banker.  They live in Southampton on Long Island and have a second home in Naples, Florida.

Samantha explains that she left school at 17 and ran off with her boyfriend, Ben. They run a tropical bird park in California and grow their own vegetables. Ben can stand five parrots, side by side, on his penis.

Halfway down the third bottle of wine and several hours later, Rachel blurts out that her husband is a cashier at Walmart. They live in a small apartment in Brooklyn and have a travel trailer parked at a nearby storage facility.

Clare, chastened and encouraged by her old friend's honesty, explains that she and Clive are both nurses' aides in a retirement home.  They live in Jersey City and take vacation camping trips to Alabama.

Samantha confesses that the fifth parrot has to stand on one leg.

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The other day I went over to a nearby CVS Pharmacy.

When I got there, I went straight to the back of the store to where the Pharmacist’s counter is located.

I took out my little brown bottle along with a teaspoon and laid them both onto the counter.

The pharmacist came over smiled and asked if he could help me.

I said, "Yes! Could you please taste this for me??

Being I'm a senior citizen...I guess the Pharmacist just went along with me.

He picked up the spoon and put a tiny bit of the liquid on his tongue and swilled it around.

Then with a stomach-churning look on his face he spit it out on the floor and began coughing.

When he finally was finished, I looked him right in the eye asked, “Now, does that taste sweet to you?”

The pharmacist, shaking his head back and forth with a venomous look in his eyes yelled, “ NO!!!”

So I said, "Oh thank God! That's such a relief! My doctor told me to get a pharmacist to test my urine for sugar!”

Well, I can never go back to that CVS, but I really don't care though, because they aren’t very friendly there anyway!!!

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ACTS 2:38             Conceal Carry and an Intruder

You gotta love compassionate Christian Seniors.

A woman had just returned to her home from an evening of church services, when she was startled by an intruder. She caught the man in the act of robbing her home of its valuables and yelled: 'Stop! Acts 2:38 !' (Repent and be Baptized, in the name of Jesus Christ, so that your sins may be forgiven.)

The burglar stopped in his tracks.

The woman calmly called the police and explained what she had done.

As the officer cuffed the man to take him in, he asked the burglar: 'Why did you just stand there? All the old lady did was yell a scripture to you.'

'Scripture?' replied the burglar. *'She said she had an Ax and Two 38's!'*

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A man was sitting on the edge of the bed, observing his wife, looking at herself in the mirror. Since her birthday was not far off he asked what she'd like to have for her Birthday.
'I'd like to be twelve again', she replied, still looking in the mirror.

On the morning of her Birthday, he arose early, made her a nice big bowl of Coco Pops,
And then took her to Alton Towers theme park. What a day! He put her on every ride in the park; The Death Slide, the Corkscrew, The Wall of Fear, the Screaming Monster Roller Coaster, everything there was there.

Five hours later they staggered out of the theme park.
Her head was reeling and her stomach felt upside down.
He then took her to a Mc Donald's where he ordered her a Happy Meal with extra fries and a chocolate shake.

Then it was off to the cinema with popcorn, a huge Cola, and her favourite sweets......M&M's..
What a fabulous adventure!
Finally she wobbled home with her husband and collapsed into bed exhausted.
He leaned over his wife with a big smile and lovingly asked, 'Well Dear, what was it like being twelve again?'

Her eyes slowly opened and her expression suddenly changed.
'I meant my dress size, you retard!!!!'

The moral of the story: Even when a man is listening, he is gonna get it f*ckin wrong!

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To my friends who enjoy a glass of wine
(But also to those who don't and are always seen with a bottle of water in their hand)

Ben Franklin spoke the following wise words: In wine there is wisdom, In beer there is freedom, In water there is bacteria.

In a number of carefully controlled trials, scientists have demonstrated that if we drink 1 liter of water each day, at the end of the year we would have absorbed more than one kilo of Escherichia coli, (E. Coli) – bacteria found in feces.
In other words, we are taking in one kilo of poop annually.

However, we do NOT run that risk when drinking wine and beer (or rum, whiskey or other liquor) because alcohol has to go through the purification processes of boiling, filtering and fermenting.

Water = Poop,
Wine = Health
Therefore, it's better to drink wine and talk stupid, than to drink water and be full of shit!!!

Verification: The members of your House of representatives or parliament as well as those in the Senate drink a lot of water while in session. That explains the result therein…

There is no need to thank me for this valuable information: I'm doing it as a public service.

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The Man Who Gave Up Sex for Golf 

A golfer is in a competitive match with a friend, who is ahead by a couple of strokes. 
"Boy, I'd give anything to sink this putt" the golfer mumbles to himself. 

Just then, a stranger walks up beside him and whispers, " Would you be willing to give up a quarter of your sex life to sink the putt?" 

Thinking the man is crazy and his answer will be meaningless, the golfer also feels that maybe this is a good omen, so he says, " Sounds good to me,"   -  and promptly sinks the putt! 

Two holes later, he mumbles to himself again, "Gosh, I wish I could get an eagle on this one." 

The same stranger is suddenly at his side again and whispers, "Would it be worth giving up another quarter of your sex life to make an eagle?" 

Shrugging, the golfer replies, "Okay", and amazingly, he makes the eagle. 
On the final hole, the golfer needs another eagle to win. 
Without waiting for him to say anything, the stranger quickly moves to his side and says, "Would winning this match be worth giving up the rest of your sex life?" 

"Definitely," the golfer replies, and, sure enough, he makes the eagle  -  and wins the match. 

As the golfer is walking to the clubhouse, the stranger walks along beside him and says, "I haven't really been fair with you because you don't know who I am. I'm Satan, and from this day forward you really will have no sex life at all." 

"Nice to meet you," the golfer replies, "I'm Father O'Malley."

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The Nun who was a good golfer!

A nun walks into Mother Superior's office and plunks down into a chair. She lets out a sigh heavy with frustration.

'What troubles you, Sister?' asked the Mother Superior. 'I thought this was the day you spent with your family.'

'It was,' sighed the Sister. 'And I went to play golf with my brother. We try to play golf as often as we can. You know I was quite a talented golfer before I devoted my life to Christ.'

'I seem to recall that,' the Mother Superior agreed. 'So I take it your day of recreation was not relaxing?' 
'Far from it,' snorted the Sister. 'In fact, I even took the Lord's name in vain today!' 
'Goodness, Sister!' gasped the Mother Superior, astonished. 'You must tell me all about it!'

'Well, we were on the fifth tee...and this hole is a monster, Mother – a 540 yard Par 5, with a nasty dogleg right and a hidden green...and I hit the drive of my life. I creamed it. The sweetest swing I ever made.

And it's flying straight and true, right along the line I wanted...and it hits a bird in mid-flight!'

'Oh my!' commiserated the Mother. 'How unfortunate! But surely that didn't make you blaspheme, Sister!' 
'No, that wasn't it,' admitted Sister. 'While I was still trying to fathom what had happened, this squirrel runs out of the woods, grabs my ball and runs off down the fairway!'

'Oh, that would have made me blaspheme!' sympathized the Mother. 
'But I didn't, Mother!' sobbed the Sister. 'And I was so proud of myself! And while I was pondering whether this was a sign from God, this hawk swoops out of the sky and grabs the squirrel and flies off, with my ball still clutched in his paws!'

'So that's when you cursed,' said the Mother with a knowing smile. 
'Nope, that wasn't it either,' cried the Sister, anguished, 'because as the hawk started to fly out of sight, the squirrel started struggling, and the hawk dropped him right there on the green, and the ball popped out of his paws and rolled to about 18 inches from the cup!'

Mother Superior sat back in her chair, folded her arms across her chest, fixed the Sister with a baleful stare and said...

'You missed the f*cking putt, didn't you?'

*            *            *            *            *            *            *            *

Sorry for all the profanity in today’s issue! (I know that some of you don’t mind!)

Being an avid golfer, I can understand that! In fact, the fall weather was pretty mild this year and our local course stayed open longer than usual and I even got out a few times in November to play. One day in early November, the temperature got up to 70 and so I went out and walked the 18 holes. Great! Then, last week, my son Jonathan came up for Thanksgiving and he and I played the day AFTER Thanksgiving, when it was close to 60 degrees. Still no snow, but it’s only a matter of time. I need to get my snow-blower out of the barn and into the garage. And the snow tires on the car! And the skis out and readied for ski season!

For those who celebrate Saint Nicolaus Day on the 5th: have a Happy One! Now it’s time to get up my Christmas lights, too.

Time to wish you all a wonderful weekend!

Until next week, take care and Peace!


TGIF - 20 November 2015

Greetings from your TGIF editor-in-chief reporting in on this last day of the work week (“Thank God” you say!) from my little TGIF corner in Springfield, Vermont, USA. It has been a sobering week following the horrific terrorist attacks in Paris last Friday night.

All the media news and coverage of the current early months of our next presidential election have taken a back seat to the coverage of the Paris attacks and aftermath. What a senseless tragedy that has effected individuals and families and now also many countries, and will have policy repurcussions. It’s depressing to ponder. So, my job is not to do that in these pages. It is to try and provide a little humor. So, let’s go!

Here is a good quote from Bette Midler:

I haven’t left my house in days.
I watch the news channels incessantly. All the news stories are about the election.  All the commercials are Viagra and Cialis. Election, erection, election, erection!
Either way we’re screwed!
                                                              – Bette Midler

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To the citizens of the United States of America from Her Sovereign Majesty Queen Elizabeth II:

In light of your failure in recent years to nominate competent candidates for President of the USA and thus to govern yourselves, we hereby give notice of the revocation of your independence, effective immediately. (You should look up 'revocation' in the Oxford English Dictionary.)

Congress and the Senate will be disbanded. A questionnaire may be circulated next year to determine whether any of you noticed.

To aid in the transition to a British Crown dependency, the following rules are introduced with immediate effect:

1. The letter 'U' will be reinstated in words such as 'colour,' 'favour,' 'labour' and 'neighbour.' Likewise, you will learn to spell 'doughnut' without skipping half the letters, and the suffix '-ize' will be replaced by the suffix '-ise.' Generally, you will be expected
to raise your vocabulary to acceptable levels. (look up 'vocabulary').

2. Using the same twenty-seven words interspersed with filler noises such as ''like' and 'you know' is an unacceptable and inefficient form of communication. There is no such thing as U.S. English. We will let Microsoft know on your behalf. The Microsoft spell-checker will be adjusted to take into account the reinstated letter 'u'' and the elimination of '-ize.'

3. July 4th will no longer be celebrated as a holiday.

4. You will learn to resolve personal issues without using guns, lawyers, or therapists. The fact that you need so many lawyers and therapists shows that you're not quite ready to be independent. Guns should only be used for shooting grouse. If you can't sort things out without suing someone or speaking to a therapist, then you're not ready to shoot grouse.

5. Therefore, you will no longer be allowed to own or carry anything more dangerous than a vegetable peeler. Although a permit will be required if you wish to carry a vegetable peeler in public.

6. All intersections will be replaced with roundabouts, and you will start driving on the left side with immediate effect. At the same time, you will go metric with immediate effect and without the benefit of conversion tables. Both roundabouts and metrication will help you understand the British sense of humour.

7. The former USA will adopt UK prices on petrol (which you have been calling gasoline) of roughly $10/US gallon, a little under $2/litre. Get used to it.

8. You will learn to make real chips. Those things you call French fries are not real chips, and those things you insist on calling potato chips are properly called crisps. Real chips are thick cut, fried in animal fat, and dressed not with catsup but with vinegar.

9. The cold, tasteless stuff you insist on calling beer is not actually beer at all. Henceforth, only proper British Bitter will be referred to as beer, and European brews of known and accepted provenance will be referred to as Lager. South African beer is also acceptable, as they are pound for pound the greatest sporting nation on earth and it can only be due to the beer. They are also part of the British Commonwealth - see what it did for them. American brands will be referred to as Near-Frozen Gnat's Urine, so that all can be sold without risk of further confusion

10. Hollywood will be required occasionally to cast English actors as good guys. Hollywood will also be required to cast English actors to play English characters. Watching Andie Macdowell attempt English dialect in Four Weddings and a Funeral was an experience akin to having one's ears removed with a cheese grater.

11. You will cease playing American football. There is only one kind of proper football; you call it soccer. Those of you brave enough will, in time, be allowed to play rugby (which has some similarities to American football, but does not involve stopping for a rest every twenty seconds or wearing full kevlar body armour like a bunch of nancies).

12. Further, you will stop playing baseball. It is not reasonable to host an event called the World Series for a game which is not played outside of America. Since only 2.1% of you are aware there is a world beyond your borders, your error is understandable. You will learn cricket, and we will let you face the South Africans first to take the sting out of their deliveries.

13. You must tell us who killed JFK. It's been driving us mad.

14. An internal revenue agent (i.e. tax collector) from Her Majesty's Government will be with you shortly to ensure the acquisition of all monies due (backdated to 1776).

15. Daily Tea Time begins promptly at 4 p.m. with proper cups, with saucers, and never mugs, with high quality biscuits (cookies) and cakes; plus strawberries (with cream) when in season.

God Save the Queen!

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An Italian lover, a virile middle aged Italian gentlemen named Guido, was relaxing at his favourite bar in Rome when he managed to attract a spectacular young blond woman. Things progressed to the point where he led her back to his apartment and, after some small talk, they retired to his bedroom where he rattled her senseless.
After a pleasant interlude, he asked with a smile, "So, you finish?" She paused for a second, frowned, and replied. "No."
Surprised, Guido reached for her and the rattling resumed. This time she thrashed about wildly and there were screams of passion. The sex finally ended and, again, Guido smiled and asked, "You finish?"
Again, after a short pause, she returned his smile, cuddled closer to him and softly said,"No."
Stunned, but damned if he was going to leave this woman unsatisfied, Guido reached for the woman yet again. Using the last of his strength, he barely managed it, but they ended together screaming, bucking, clawing and ripping the bed sheets. Exhausted, Guido fell onto his back, gasping.

Barely able to turn his head, he looked into her eyes, smiled proudly and asked again, "You  finish??
Barely able to speak, the beautiful blonde whispered in his ear... "No, I Norwegian."

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How’s the strength of the legal disclaimer on your email signature? Writing at the New Yorker, Tim Hickey has some suggested improvements:

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE: If you are the intended recipient of this electronic missive, then consider yourself fortunate. If you are not the intended recipient, then God help you, because there are hard times headed your way, my friend. If you have received this message in error, the error is likely yours, but should the error be mine, just try and prove it, mother-effer. Every member of my legal team attended a top-tier law school and scored well above the national average on the LSAT. They can’t wait to sue you into oblivion and consequently enrich themselves through your divestiture. If you’ve slipped and fallen or were working around asbestos during the late nineties, however, then go ahead and reply with a concise summary of the event that caused the onset of your pain and the nature of your injuries, along with the name of the chiropractor you’re using and a rundown of his/her fees, because some pockets are deep, especially among major retailers and manufacturers, and could stand to be made shallower, and we all deserve to be compensated for misfortunes brought upon us by others’ negligence. If you do—against the advice of any attorney who passed the bar with a score of 120 or higher—decide to use the above information for personal gain, in all fairness I ought to let you know that there’s a better than average chance that what’s above is a pack of lies. For every e-mail I send, I send a decoy e-mail full of disinformation. Most of my e-mails also contain a truly nasty virus of my own creation that I’m calling the Compensator™, and if you are not the intended recipient but open the e-mail, then your identity will be compromised, your personal information disseminated, your bank accounts diminished, and I’m working on a feature whereby you, as in your physical self, will host the Compensator™, which will remain dormant until you think everything’s cool, and then—Bam! You’re sleepless, coughing, eyes watering, and your spouse is asking if you ought to head to the emergency room. If you are Sara from the eighth grade, then how do you like me now? See that S-Class Mercedes parked over by the dumpsters there? Mine. Paid for. Cash. See that dude with aviator sunglasses, hair slicked back, snapping his fingers to some awesome tune on the Norwegian sound system? He’s wearing a shirt with a spread collar, housing a Windsor knot in a Jermyn Street tie, and considering a run for Congress? It’s me. How-do! Should you regret your decision to blow me off outside third-period chemistry in front of half the class, reply to the above address and attach a current photo. It doesn’t have to be sexy or anything, just, like, yourself on vacation with some inspiring vista in the background. If your name is Keith, there’s a pretty decent chance that we won’t get along, based on my past experience with people named Keith. If you are at the craps table at the Tropicana, place the six and eight, but stay the hell off the field bet, which is really for suckers, and, if the dice get hot, let’s split the winnings. If your measurements are 36-26-34, give or take, then don’t hesitate to reply, but don’t “reply all,” for security reasons. If you grew up and went to law school yet find yourself in a windowless room in midtown eating a tuna-salad sandwich, wondering if it’s still good, given all the mayo, and thinking that this is not what was promised, then let’s grab a beer and see where it goes.

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Here is an old joke, but with a new twist:

A young Arkie goes off to college. Half way through the semester, having foolishly squandered all of his money on his girlfriend, he calls home.

      "Dad," he says, "You won't believe what modern education is developing! They actually have a program here at Hendrix that will teach our dog, Ole' Blue how to talk!"

      "That's amazing," his Dad says. "How do I get Ol' Blue in that program?"

"Just send him over here with $1,000" the young Arkie says "and I'll get him in the course."

      So, his Father sends the dog and $1,000.

      About two-thirds of the way through the semester, the money again runs out. The boy calls home.

      "So how's Ol' Blue doing son?" his Father asks.

      "Awesome, Dad, he's talking up a storm," he says, "but you just won't believe this -- they've had such good results they have started to teach the animals how to read!"

      "Read!?" says his Father, "No kidding! How do we get Blue in that program?"

      "Just send $2,500, I'll get him in the class."

      The money promptly arrives. The Arkie and his girlfriend are able to buy enough marijuana to last the whole semester. But our hero has a problem. At the end of the year, his Father will find out the dog can neither talk, nor read. Even though he was always pretty much able to lie his way out of trouble, the Arkie asked his girlfriend to help him think of a really good lie to tell his Dad. She very quickly came up with a plan for him.

      So she has him shoot the dog.

      When he arrives home at the end of the year, his Father is all excited.

      "Where's Ol' Blue? I just can't wait to see him read something and talk!"

      "Dad," the boy says, "I have some grim news. Yesterday morning, just before we left to drive home, Ole' Blue was in the living room, kicked back in the recliner, reading the Wall Street Journal, like he usually does".

      "Then Ol' Blue turned to me and asked, so, is your Daddy still messing around with that little redhead who lives down the street?"

      The Father went white and exclaimed, "I hope you shot that lying mutt before he talks to your Mother!"

      "I sure did, Dad!"

      "That's my boy!"

The kid married his girlfriend; then, they both went on to law school in Fayetteville. He became Governor of Arkansas and President of the United States. After serving as a senator for many years, she then was appointed Secretary of State and is now running for President.  

TGIF editor’s note: Sounds to me like this clever lady might make a good president.

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I guess that depends on the outcome of the erection! I mean, election!

Sorry about that – but I couldn’t resist!

I also now cannot resist wishing you all a peaceful Friday and weekend!

And for my friends who celebrate Thanksgiving next Thursday, I wish you a happy one with family and friends and full of gratitude!


TGIF - 13 November 2015

Greetings to all of you who may receive this message directly from me, as well as those who get it forwarded to them from TGIF “members” and/or to those of you who are seeing it on the TGIF blog site. Thanks to Alpha Bah for continuing to post them there. And now, for the last few months, Margaret Jessop is posting it (when I produce one) on the WFP alumni facebook site.

So, the “pressure to publish” is growing and I’m not sure I can handle all this stress! Retirement is a very busy occupation. I just can’t seem to keep up with all the things on my “to do” daily lists. And when Thursday rolls around, I dread opening up my jokes contribution gmail to find lots of joke contributions and very few new ones. So, if I find the time to edit an issue, it often includes only a few new ones, with a vast majority of old ones. And it takes a lot of time to do all the filtering and cleaning up (adjusting font size and so forth).

This is the case again this week. So, we all have to just grin and bare it!

Most of my senior friends seem to like the senior jokes and also have bad memories. So, I get the same old senior jokes over and over and over again. So, that seems to be the theme for today’s edition: seniors.

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An older female friend of mine reported that she had very quietly confided to her best friend that she was having an affair.

Her best friend turned to her and asked, 'Are you having it catered'?

And that, my friend, is the definition of "OLD"

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Full Disc

Brains of older people are slow because they know so much. 

People do not decline mentally with age, it just takes them longer to recall facts because they have more information in their brains, scientists believe.  Much like a computer struggles as the hard drive gets full, so, too, do humans take longer to access information when their brains are full.

Researchers say this slowing down process is not the same as cognitive decline. The human brain works slower in old age, said Dr. Michael Ramscar, but only because we have stored more information over time.

The brains of older people do not get weak.  On the contrary, they simply know more.
Also, older people often go to another room to get something and when they get there, they stand there wondering what they came for.  It is NOT a memory problem. It is nature's way of making older people do more exercise.


Now when I reach for a word or a name, I won't excuse myself by saying, "I'm having a senior moment."  Now, I'll say, "My disc is full!"

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Two Things

My memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
Also, my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.

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And speaking of seniors, here’s another “old” one, but good one!


Two young businessmen in Florida were sitting down for a break in their soon-to-be new store in the shopping mall. As yet, the store's merchandise wasn't in -- only a few shelves and display racks set up.

One said to the other, "I'll bet that any minute now some senior is going to walk by, put his face to the window, and ask what we're selling."

Sure enough, just a moment later, a curious senior gentleman walked up to the window, looked around intensely and rapped on the glass, then in a loud voice asked, "What are you selling here?"

One of the men replied sarcastically, "We're selling ass-holes."

Without skipping a beat, the old timer said, "You must be doing well. Only two left."

Seniors -- don't mess with them. They didn't get old by being stupid!

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Here is another one with a “senior” theme. I dedicate this one to my own kids!

Why Seniors Still Need Newspapers

I was visiting my daughter last night when
I asked if I could borrow a newspaper.

"This is the 21st century" she said. "We don't waste money on newspapers. Here… use my iPad."

I can tell you this….. - that fly never knew what hit him!

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Reporters interviewing a 104-year-old woman:

'And what do you think is the best thing about being 104?' the reporter asked.

She simply replied, “No peer pressure.”

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An elderly woman decided to prepare her will and told her preacher she had two final requests.

First, she wanted to be cremated, and second, she wanted her ashes scattered over Wal-Mart.

'Wal-Mart?' the preacher exclaimed. 'Why Wal-Mart?'

'Then I'll be sure my daughters visit me twice a week.'

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Once in a while memories of our past are jogged by one thing or another. Such was the case when one of the women in my 65 and older community was preparing for an upcoming community yard sale and found an old negative in a box long ago packed away.

She took it to the local Walgreens, had it developed and made into a print. The two “youngsters” were standing in front of an old car.

Seeing that it was a photo of herself and her present husband on their first date and how much younger, slimmer, and prettier she was and how he had hair and was in good physical shape, she could not wait to show it to her hubby.

When she showed it to him his face lit up with great appreciation and he exclaimed,

Wow!!! look at that will ya'.....

That's my old Ford."

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I don't want to brag or make anyone jealous or anything, but I can still fit into the socks I wore in high school.

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Three dogs were sitting in the waiting room at the vet's when they struck up a conversation.

The Black Labrador turned to the yellow Labrador and said " So why are you here?

The yellow Lab replied, " I'm a pisser. I piss on everything .... the sofa, the curtains, the cat, the kids.
But the final straw was last night when I pissed in the middle of my owner's bed."

The black Lab said, " So what’s the vet going to do? "

"Gonna cut my nuts off " came the reply from the yellow Lab. "They reckon it'll calm me down."

The Yellow Lab then turned back to the Black Lab and asked "So why are you here?"

The Black Lab said, "I'm a digger. I dig under fences, dig up flowers and trees, I dig just for the hell of it. When I'm inside, I dig up the carpets.  But I went over the line last night when I dug a great big hole in my owners' couch."

"So what are they going to do to you?" the Yellow Lab enquired.

"Looks like I'm losing my nuts too," the dejected Black Lab said.

The Black Lab then turned to the Great Dane and asked, "Why are you here?”

"I'm a humper," said the Great Dane. "I'll hump anything. I'll hump the cat, a pillow, the table, fence posts, whatever. I want to hump everything I see."
Yesterday my owner had just got out of the shower and was bending down to dry her toes, and I just couldn't help myself. I hopped on her back and started hammering away."

The Black and the Yellow Labs exchanged a sad glance and said, "So, it's nuts off for you too, huh?"

The Great Dane said, "No, apparently I'm here to get my nails clipped.”

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Time to wrap this one up with one that I remember my parents getting a kick out of.

TGIF Golden Classic

Have you heard the story about a priest who got his church painted by a local contractor?

The contractor thinned the paint to such an extent that it literally fell off the church in a few weeks.

When the painter called to be paid for the work, the priest advised him as follows:

Repaint and thin no more!

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Have a fantastic Friday and a wonderful weekend!

If you are superstitious, be very careful today as it is Friday the 13th!
If not, well, just be careful in any case.
